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Riverside Primary School

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After School Club

Simply After School Riverside offer an after-school club for parents needing childcare at the end of the school day; the club is open until 5.30 pm, Monday to Friday, term time only.

The club offers fun and games for all ages ... toys, board games, arts and crafts, dancing, outdoor play, themed activities and more!

A freshly prepared snack and fruit are provided daily

Simply After School Club

 A freshly prepared snack and fruit are provided daily.

Email admin@simplyoutofschool.co.uk for further information and to book a place or call 01656 372910

Session Times Costs
 Full session (school finish to 5.30pm)  £8.25 per child
 Half session (school finish to 4.30pm)  £5.75 per child
Sibling discount 5%