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Riverside Primary School

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Little Troopers Club

Welcome to Little Troopers Club.

Little Troopers is a registered charity supporting all children with one or both parents serving in the British Armed Forces. They ensure schools have fundamental resources to help children and their families.  

Little Troopers aims to help children meet other service children in school, enabling them to support each other in a friendly, fun environment. 

Our ethos is to provide a safe time and place where the children can have fun, play, talk, be together and share any worries they may have in a supportive, caring environment.  

Children can come along every week and participate in exciting arranged activities, write a letter, colour, draw a picture or just come along when they need to. We will also use our fantastic forest school area, cook, do treasure hunts, arts and crafts and have lots of fun! 

Everyone is welcome from Reception to Year 6.  

Little Troopers will meet on Wednesdays after school from 3.15 pm-4.15 pm. 

This club is open to any child with a parent currently, or recently, serving in the regular armed forces.  

If you have any questions or queries regarding Little Troopers, please pop in to see Mrs Lloyd or email: SELloyd@riverside.hereford.sch.uk.