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Riverside Primary School

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School Council

Riverside Smart School Council is an inclusive and student-led school council that puts students at the heart of the school.

Details of the current school system are below. 

Each class from year one to year six elects one representative to form the School Council. 

In the summer term, children in year one also become more actively involved.  Until then, older members of the School Council run the class council meetings in the younger classes.

The school council aims to:

  • Provide an opportunity for the pupils to understand and affect how the school is run
  • Give the pupils a voice where they can let staff know what they feel can be improved in the school
  • Identify solutions to any problems within the school

The School Council is run by the pupils and supported by Mrs Jones. The Council are very active within the school and meets regularly.

If there is anything that children want to be discussed in the School Council meeting, They have the opportunity to do so during their class meetings, which the Communication Team then reviews.

School projects are displayed on the Smart School Council board, and children can view regular updates.