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Riverside Primary School

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Ofsted - 23 & 24 April 2024 - Outstanding

'There is an absolute passion for providing the very best education.'

'Everyone feels welcome and everyone belongs.'

'Endless positivity is seen through the school.'

'Pupils' behaviour is exemplary; they are kind and considerate.'


Ofsted - 6th December 2018 - Good

'Riverside Primary School is a vibrant, friendly place where all children are welcomed and well supported.’

'Pupils behave very well throughout the school. They are cheerful, respectful and polite.’

‘There is no disruption to learning through poor behaviour.’

‘Parents are fully involved in the life of the school.’

‘Pastoral support is one of the strengths of the school.’

Parents said that ‘The teachers have a real passion for their work. They are approachable and friendly and always willing to listen and help’.

‘Leaders have established an ambitious culture.’

‘The learning challenge curriculum is well planned and engaging. As a result, pupils are genuinely excited about learning.

 Ofsted - 8th and 9th July 2014 - Good

“At the heart of the good teaching and learning are excellent relationships between teachers, staff and pupils.  The atmosphere of classrooms is very positive.  Teachers and teaching assistants praise pupils often, providing good guidance and support.  In discussions with pupils, the knowledge that teachers want the best for them and will always help them are two of the first things pupils said when asked why they liked school.”

 Ofsted – 16th and 17th March 2011 - Good

“Riverside Primary School provides a good education for its pupils in its newly-built accommodation and playground areas. The attractive, welcoming and supportive learning environment benefits pupils' learning so that they enjoy coming to school and show good interest in lessons. Staff make sure that pupils are cared for, guided and supported exceptionally well so that they feel safe and valued within an inclusive ethos. Safeguarding procedures are outstanding. This is recognised by parents and carers, many of whom speak highly of the school.“

If you would like to give your views on our school, please click on the  'Parent View' link below and complete the online questionnaire.