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Riverside Primary School

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Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)

At Riverside, we are a fully inclusive school.  Our aim is for all pupils to achieve their potential personally, socially, emotionally and academically in all areas of the curriculum.  In the links below, you can find information regarding the ways in which we ensure that we support all of our pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). 

Children are identified as having SEND when their progress has slowed or stopped and the interventions, resources etc., put in place do not enable improvement.  Once this occurs, we have specific needs-based plans which help support their development and accelerate progress.  

Details on how the local authority supports pupil with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities can be found in Herefordshire's local offer which can be accessed  by clicking the link below

Herefordshire LA Local Offer - Special educational needs and disabilities 


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator: Miss E O'Monaigh

Designated Teacher for Looked After Children: Miss E O'Monaigh

Educational Psychologist: Dr Rachel Jones

Learning Mentors: Mrs J Kisby, Miss T Davies, Mr C Preece

1:1 Support Assistants: Mrs G Morris, Mrs J MacPherson, Mr B O’Brien, Miss K Jones, Mrs S Payne, Mrs E Scargill, Mrs C Glover, Mrs S Probert, Mrs J Wells, Mrs L Sheridan, Mrs A Bulejko, Mrs T Adams, Ms S Salisbury-Feeney, Ms N Kinson, Mrs J Lloyd, Mrs E Clarke

Speech and Language Therapists: Mrs C Gwynne and Mrs M Hurds

Speech and Language Therapy Assistant: Mrs J Wells

Student and Family Support: Mrs S Stansbury and Mrs R Coultas

Support for Parents/Carers

If you feel your child needs additional support you need to raise your concern with the class teacher.  These concerns will be discussed with the SENDCo who may observe the child, provide advice, use assessment tools or consider a referral to an outside agency.

Arrangements for consulting and involving parents of children with SEND:

  • Termly parents evening meetings with the class teacher
  • ‘Open door’ policy with class teacher/SENDCo
  • Relevant information about how parents can support their child at home
  • Annual reports to parents
  • Multi-agency meetings as required
  • Formal annual reviews for children with EHC Plans

 Useful Resources


 Health and Safety

Risk assessments are used to ensure action is taken to increase the safety and inclusion of all pupils in all activities. Staff training is undertaken to ensure that pupils with specific medical needs, such as diabetes or other potentially serious conditions, remain safe. If necessary, additional staff will be appointed and appropriately trained to support children with medical conditions


Riverside school is a values school. Each month the children learn about a different values such as honesty, cooperation, respect or friendship, and assemblies focus on these values.

Behaviour systems are based on a positive approach. Children are reminded that they have a choice about how they behave. Good behaviour is recognised and rewarded in a variety of ways. There is a consistent approach across the school, and children are clear about the expectations, rewards and sanctions.

For children who need an individualised approach, Individual Behaviour Plans are written. The school will work with other professionals such as Educational Psychologists, Health Professionals, Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) or the Behaviour Support Team to ensure that individual needs are met. That poor behaviour does not become a barrier to their learning.

At Riverside, we have extensive outdoor facilities, and we use them to enhance the curriculum effectively and specifically use outdoor learning to support children with social, emotional or behavioural needs.

If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.  For any complaints regarding the provision that a child is receiving, please contact Mrs Shearer, who will explain our complaints procedure.


 For individual pupils with a high level of need, additional funding can be applied for. In such cases, it is necessary for the school to demonstrate that the pupil meets the criteria for additional funding. In these circumstances, the school will always work with parents to explain procedures and how any additional funding will be used. Riverside Primary School employs additional members of staff to ensure that the needs of all pupils are met and that classrooms are appropriately resourced.