School Lunches
Delicious, hot meals are available, provided by our on-site catering team, in our kitchen.
Booking and payment can only be made via the My Child at School (MCAS) app and must be done the day before your child wants a meal. Please ask at the office if you would like support with this.
Free meals are available for children who qualify. To check if you are eligible, please email Further information can be found here.
Children may bring a packed lunch, and dining facilities and supervisory arrangements are available. Drinking water is provided.
Children are not allowed to bring fizzy drinks, glass containers or cans.
Please encourage children to eat a well-balanced meal; chocolate bars and sweets are not allowed.
We are part of the ‘Fruit for Schools Scheme’, through which all children in Key Stage 1 and Foundation classes receive a piece of fruit daily.
Children may keep a small bottle of water in the classroom for use during the day.
Allergen Advice:
If you would like to know the list of ingredients used in a dish on our menu, please contact the school. Our menu has been checked for food allergens.