How we can support
At Riverside Primary School, we recognise when families may need extra help and support. Our pastoral team can offer bespoke support and will aim to work with you and your child to achieve successful and positive outcomes.
Our Early Help Offer includes support with family relationships, routines, positive behaviour management approaches, financial matters, housing issues, emotional health and wellbeing, and bereavement support.
If you feel that your child may benefit from additional pastoral support, our Learning Mentors offer one-to-one and group sessions to support social and emotional development and regulation. We also offer in-school sessions with WEST (Tier 2 CAMHS) and CLD counselling.
Our pastoral team can also help you access other services to support you and your family, such as School Nursing and the Active Families Programme. We work closely with other support providers to offer adult learning, antenatal classes, and The Solihull Approach Course for parents and carers at Riverside.
If you would like to speak with a member of our pastoral team, don't hesitate to get in touch with us through the School Office ring us at 01432 274653 or email the school via
Early Help advice can also be accessed through Herefordshire Council’s Children’s Help and Advice Team (CHAT) on 01432 260261